Communicating during the COVID-19 outbreak is challenging. Is it insensitive? What do I tell my customers? We get it - the idea of marketing and advertising when many businesses are doing it tough seems counter-intuitive. But now is the time to make sure your voice cuts through the noise. Both to provide to support to your customers and as a helpful resource for prospects. Here's the top five things you should be doing during a crisis:
The first thing you need to think about is whether you can still sell your product or services. Whether your delivery model changed. And if you're able to offer any of your products or services online.
Think about the ways you can transition your model. Some businesses are taking the opportunity to partner with their existing customers. If you're a wholesale distributor for a café, for example, think about how you can package your offers so you can both sell more.
Once you know what you can offer, focus on your customers. Keeping up communications with your existing customers is vital. Especially if you're experiencing a downturn in new business. They need to be nurtured and feel supported so that when everything is unpredictable, they know they can still rely on you.
Don't miss the basics - let them know your service or product is still available. And update them on any changes to delivery times, service or availability.
Get in front of any problems by being transparent and open with your customers. Even if you don't want to share bad news, they'll appreciate your honesty.
Tell them what support they can expect. Maybe you've had to reduce hours for your support team. Or maybe you've got more support staff in place to take an increased number of calls. Use your social media channels and direct email to keep your customers informed. Remind them that you're there for them in hard times, as well as when things are going well.
Digital platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn and Google Ads form a huge part of how businesses reach their target markets these days. And for many of us, posting regularly and engaging prospects is a weekly or even daily event. So whatever you do, don't stop!
Internet usage has doubled since remote working is in full swing, which means there are more people online. So there's potential to attract new customers. If you disappear now, your prospects will assume your business isn't operating anymore, and they could go elsewhere.
Use your channels to tell people what's happening in your business. Maybe there are changes to your operating hours with staff working remotely. Or maybe there's a special offer you'd like to share with your prospects. Stay front of your audience's mind, and when things get back to normal, your name will be one they remember.
You have a real opportunity to help people right now - so use it. Whether, like us, you have a technical solution to solve your prospects problems during challenging times, or you have a product that'll help businesses stay afloat, let your prospects know about it. Now's the time to tell people why you're in business.
Maybe it's more appropriate to offer your expertise — use whatever makes your business special. Run webinars, share blogs, send emails linking people to these blogs. If you give your prospects useful, supportive information that helps them through the hard times, once things have returned to normality, you'll be a trusted source of no-strings-attached resources and value — that's what you want to be known for.
Unfortunately, many businesses are suffering right now. So thinking about how we communicate with our customers and prospects is just as important as what we say.
Try to be sensitive to your audience's problems and show empathy. Don't assume their situation has stayed the same – they might have cash flow issues or even have lost staff. Think about how what you say will be perceived and don't be aggressive or pushy. We've never been more connected in shared experience, so make sure your campaigns and messaging reflect this.
It's vital to keep your customers informed and bring in new customers now more than ever. It'll give you the best chance to stay in business during these uncertain times. Use your comms and marketing channels thoughtfully and regularly to give your business the edge and show your audience that you're with them all the way.
If Wiise can help you in any way, we'd love to hear from you. Reach us at We're all in this together.