Two hands joining with trees background
Not for profit

Helping NFPs grow with cloud ERP

Build trust with donors and funding bodies with accurate and detailed financial management across all your programs.

group logos-2

Charity event handing out food Charity event handing out food
Charity event handing out food Charity event handing out food


Faster P&L reports
Read case study


Faster budgets vs actuals reports
Read case study


Of admin tasks reduced
Read case study

A better way to run your not for profit is here

  • Better grant and program management
  • Easily track expenses against programs
  • Get program reporting when you need it
  • Manage different entities & programs
  • Built-in financial controls & audit trail
  • Discounted NFP price

Find out if you're eligible for non-profit pricing today. 

Charity event giving out water bottles

Report down to the detail

Whether you're reporting to your funding bodies, your board, government departments or the ATO, Wiise shows you exactly where your funds are going across your programs and divisions.

Use dimensions to tag, track and report on every expense across location, department, program and more, such as your RTO, employment or community services, or your head office. 

Wiise product reporting insights

Your community, donors and campaigns in one place

Wiise CRM gives you better visibility into your donor relationships and full contact management, so you can connect people with specific fundraising campaigns and improve engagement.

Track donations easily. And connect campaigns directly to your finances to get a clear view of how well they're working. 

People in a fundraising race
Wiise product campaigns
Our community
  • Cvgt
  • Hota
  • Dover heights
  • Civic
  • Red Earth

Civic Disability goes cloud-based

Civic Disability Services supports people by giving them the opportunity to lead the lives they want. See how transformative using a cloud-based platform like Wiise has been for them.

Connect your business

Streamline your day by connecting Wiise with the tools you already use.

  • Microosft 365@2x
  • Sharepoint
  • Yammer
  • Teams
  • Outlook
  • Excel
  • Powerbi
  • Powerapp
  • ProSpend Dark Favicon
  • Marketo

How a not-for-profit was
able to grow their organisation to help job seekers and employers

CVGT were looking to move away from their existing manual processes to a solution that would allow them to grow and engage with their clients. They needed to be able to capture and analyse information using clever systems and smart digital processes.

Why Wiise?

Get better business insights

With real-time insights, powerful forecasting and consolidated reporting.

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Integrate with the tools you use

Wiise integrates seamlessly with tools including Microsoft Office 365. 

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Works for NZ businesses

Save on setup costs with tools made for the New Zealand market.

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Data security
Keep your business data secure

ISO-certified, housed in Microsoft Azure and built on Dynamics 365 Business Central.

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Struggling to run it all with limited resources? Get the guide

By clicking 'Download now' you agree to the Wiise Privacy Statement.

Hosted locally

In Microsoft's Australian Azure data centres.

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By encryption & multi-factor authentication.

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Against international security standards ISO27017 & ISO27001.

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